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Edvin Marton - My love is deep

I can't forget
How sweet your kiss
You blow my mind
I don't wanna miss...
I can't forget your gentle touch
Because of you
I wanted so much.

My love is deep
Inside my heart
Don't let it crush
And fall apart...
My love is deep
You have to know
I never want
To let you go...
My love is deep...

I see you in my dream... above you...
I can't survive
Without you...
But's how I feel... before I sleep...
I remember that my love is deep.
I see my dream about you
I can't survive without you...
That's how I feel before I sleep
Remember that my love is deep...

My love is deep
Inside my heart
Don't let it crush
And fall apart...
My love is deep
You have to know
I never want
To let u go...(x2)

MY love is deep...

I see in my dream ... above you....
I can't survive without you...
But it's how I feel... before I sleep...
Remember that my love is deep...
My love is deep...

My love is deep
Inside my heart
Don't let it crush
And fall apart...
My love is deep
You have to know
I never want
To let you go...
My love is deep...

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 210

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