Come close and taste me... Love and caress me ...
I like your touch feeling so sexy...
Need you so much...
I`m going crazy!
Come close and taste me... Love and caress me ...
Tell me if you wanna be my lover
Wanna be my lover tonight?
Tell me if you wanna be my lover
You`ll gonna rip my heart... Come on decide!
Wanna be my love and my fire
Wanna be my lover tonight?
Don`t play with my heart desire!
You drive me crazy...
Come on decide!
Macho... Calientame
I like your touch feeling so sexy...
Need you so much...
I`m going crazy!
Come close and taste me... Love and caress me...
Can`t u see my love is like no other?
Can`u u see I`m hungry for you?
There`s no choice you`ll gonna be my lover...
You will be mine no matter what u do!
Wanna be my love and my fire?
Wanna be my lover tonight?
Don`t play with my heart desire!
You drive me crazy...
Come on decide!
Macho... Calientame
I like your touch feeling so sexy...
Need you so much...
I`m going crazy!
Come close and taste me... Love and caress me...
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 391
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