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Eddy Arnold - Little man you've had a busy day

Little man you're crying I know why you're blue someone took your kiddy car away
Better go to sleep now little man you've had a busy day
Johnny won your marbels tell you what we'll do dad'll get you new once right away
Better go to sleep now little man you've had a busy day
You've been playing soldier the battle has been won the enemy is out of sight
Come along there soldier put away your gun the war is over for tonight
Time to stop your scheeming time your day was through
Can't you hear the bugle softly say
Time you should be dreaming little man you've had a busy day
Little man you've had a busy day

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 208

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