You got the sun
You got the moon
And stars
You get to
Light up my life
A different spark
And the sky
Comes a live
Like a neon sign
It's the sun
And the moon
And the stars
It's shine
Big flame
You take control
Burning up
Like a fire
Shake my soul
Big flame
You take control
Burning up
Like a fire
Shake my soul
Fevered dreams
When you're
All alone
Summer love
In the park
I feel so stone
I got nothing to do
On this afternoon
Where I lie
Making love to you
Ooh, ooh
Big flame
Ooh, ooh
Big flame
Ooh, ooh
Big flame
Burning up
Like a fïre
Shake my soul
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 334
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