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Duran Duran Ft. Justin Timberlake - Nite Runner

You're nocturnal
Only come out at night
And I'm learning
All the ways you want to ride

Cuz you're on the roam
But not until the darkness arrives
And I'm certain
I'll catch up to you one of these times, baby

Can I get my hands on you tonight
(I must be feeling something)
Some thing tells me I'm in for a ride
(I wonder if you see me coming)
Can I put my hands on you tonight
(One night has got me running)
Something tells me I'm in for a ride
(Right into your nighttime world cuz I'm a)

Nite Runner
I think I'm falling for you
Nite Runner
You got a style that put me under
Nite Runner
What you gonna do with it now
Nite Runner
Nite, nite runner

Light scatters
When you walk into the room
Under shadow
I can feel the heat in you
Should I be surprised
I see the possibility
Moving right across to me
And it all matters
When I'm getting close to you, hey yeah
Uh huh

Can I get my hands on you tonight
(I must be feeling something)
Something tells me I'm in for a ride
(I wonder if you see me coming)
Can I put my hands on you tonight
(One night has got me running)
Something tells me I'm in for a ride
(Right into your nighttime world cuz I'm a)

Nite Runner
I think I'm falling for you
Nite Runner
You got a spell that puts me under
Nite Runner
What you gonna do with it now
Nite Runner
Nite, nite runner

Love is haunting
She wanted to go
That's what she told me
Love is haunting
She wanted to go
But I can't, can't

Nite Runner
I think I'm falling for you
Nite Runner
You got a spell that put me under
Nite Runner
What you gonna do with it now
Nite Runner
Nite, nite runner

Nite Runner
I think I'm falling for you
Nite Runner
You got a spell that puts me under
Nite Runner
What you gonna do with it now
Nite Runner
Nite, nite runner

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 395

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