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Dya - Down the earth

You made me what I am
You throw my world apart
My tears are all I share around
I count the days and cry
At least I should know why
My tears are all I share around

My knees are unprepared
To touch down the earth
Only true love
You talked to me and took my brain
I don`t wanna fall
I`m loosing control

You measured up my heart
And counted up the beats
And then you throw my world apart
You looked inside my heart
And counted every move
And then you throw my world apart

My knees are unprepared
To touch down the earth
Only true love
You talked to me and took my brain
I don`t wanna fall
I`m loosing control … 2x

And I`m gone can`t feel my heart beat
But I barely feel my body
And I want you here beside my heart
I can hear the voice above me
Telling me you`re not good for me
But my heart tells me she wants you around

My knees are unprepared
To touch down the earth
And took my brain
I don`t wanna fall
I`m loosing control

My knees are unprepared
To touch down the earth
Only true love
You talked to me and took my brain
I don`t wanna fall
I`m loosïng control … 2x

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 301

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