[ REFREN 1 x 3 ]
And my spirit crying in the night
And I feel like I'm in love with you
4 the 1st Time.
I believe you feel you gotta be
And I feel like everything you do
You do it 4 me.
(4 me...)
[ REFREN 2 x 2 ]
And my spirit crying in the night
And I feel like I'm in love with you
4 the 1st time... (first time...)
I believe you feel you gotta be
And I feel like everything you do
You do it 4 me... (4 me...)
4 the 1st tïme ( x 12 )
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 361
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