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Dj David - Say hello(feat Dj Yellow & Cornel Donici)

Show me my babe
Sarcasm of love
We are together
But never enought

Distance between us tonight
Is running to kill me inside

You say is ok I don't feel the same
Don't play with my heart this is not a game

Distance between us tonight
Is running to kill me inside

I see the sun in your eyes
You are the one in my life
I see the sun in your eyes
In your eyes...eyes...eyes...

Just say Hello

Just say Hello
And I feel you... I feel you... I feel you

Just say Hello
Yes I feel you... I feel you... I feel you

One night in heaven
Is all that i wish
You are the one
That i really miss

Distance between us tonight
Is running to kill me inside

Whenever you call me
I will be there
I wanna show you
How much i care

Distance between us tonight
Is running to kill me inside

I see the sun in your eyes
You are the one in my life
I see the sun ïn your eyes
In your eyes...eyes...eyes...

Just say Hello
And I feel you... I feel you... I feel you

Just say Hello
Yes I feel you... I feel you... I feel you

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 357

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