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Dj Optick - Feel good(feat Activ)

And I feel [and I feel, and I feel] so good tonight
And I feel [and I feel, and I feel] so good tonight
And I feel [and I feel, and I feel] so good tonight

Nobody's watching, nobody cares
Who are these people, breathing this air
I close my eyes, I realize
Something is making me feel so alive
I feel this fire burning my soul
It makes me tremble, it makes me whole
I close my eyes, I realize
Something is making me feel so alive

And I feel so good tonight
And I feel so good tonight
And I feel so good tonight
And I feel so good tonight
Nobody's messing with my mind

And I feel and I feel ... Feel... And I feel...so good tonight

Nobody's watching, nobody cares
Who are these people, breathing this air
I close my eyes, I realize
Something is making me feel so alive
I feel this fire burning my soul
It makes me tremble, it makes me whole
I close my eyes, I realize
Something is making me feel so alive

And I feel so good tonight
And I feel so good tonight
And I feel so good tonight
And I feel so good tonight
Nobody's messing with my mïnd

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 317

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