Sweet child in time, you'll see the line
the line that's drawn between the good and the bad
see the blind man, he's shooting at the world
the bullets flying, they're taking toll.
If you've been bad, Lord i bet you have
and you've not been hit by flying lead
you'd better close your eyes
you'd better bow your head
wait for the ricochet
I'm crying for yoy day and night
I wanna hear you say
Sweet child in time, you'll see the line
the line that's drawn between the good of us and the bad of us
see the blind man, he's shooting at the world
the bullets flying, they're killing everyone
if you've been bad, Lord i bet you have
and you've not been hit by flying lead
you'd better close your eyes
you'd better bow your head
wait for the ricochet
I wanna be inside you
I gotta hear you sing
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 287
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