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Deepside Deejays - Around the world(feat Feat Grasu Xxl &alex)

From London to Paris, Miami to L.A.
From London to Paris, Miami to L.A.
From London to Paris, Miami to L.A.
From London to Paris, Miami to L.A.

I come creen , my walk is meen
Every time i’m on the scene, green
Every where i bean
International you know what i mean
Music is in mai genes Ladyes stepout those geans
The base is make’s you screaming
The base is start thi game

Laid back, back, laid back, back cause i wanna see you’re back
Laid back, back, laid back cause i look like Joey Craced
And I’m back, i so a sort to tough
If you don’t beleave me call my love
Ruff i can go all night cause you know i’m hot

I go Paris , i liked, let’s see another place
London , i liked, let’s see another place
Miami, i liked, let’s see another place
I can be ray
Just got to say
The lady’s are the same

Oooo End of the world baby,
Around of the world ya
Wanna feel you closer day after day
Around of the world baby,
Around of the world ya
Is like i dreaming and you have nothing to say

Close you’re eyes and you will see
All the places now we could go
Close you’re eyes and you will see
I can take you around the world

From London to Paris, Miami to L.A.
From London to Paris, Miami to L.A.
From London to Paris, Miami to L.A.
From London to Paris, Miami to L.A.

Nothing in the club
But the ladies show me love
Standing there, stering, and breging they boyfriends on and on
Cause I’m freacking and singing and dancing
Like beacke dancing all night in
And liking, the lips boy
And shakeing the tips
Just fucking a little bit

I go Paris , i liked, let’s see another place
London , i liked, let’s see another place
Miami, i liked, let’s see another place
I can be ray
Just got to say
The lady’s are the same

Hey yo this is two thousand and whatever
We don’t know what the people my never
This is how we get down
Ha ha ha You know

Oooo End of the world baby,
Around of the world ya
Wanna feel you closer day after day
Around of the world baby,
Around of the world ya
Is like i dreaming and you have nothing to say

Close you’re eyes and you will see
All the places now we could go
Close you’re eyes and you will see
I can take you around the world

From London to Paris, Miami to L.A.
From London to Paris, Miami to L.A.
From London to Paris, Miami to L.A.
From London to Paris, Miamï to L.A.

Cod post

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 300

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