They reach beside
A leech to find
I dreamed of this so long
This used to feel so strong
Now I wait
Wish these thoughts would go away
I hope I dream of you
Cause it's taking my life away
No I don't hate
But these thoughts won't go away
I hope I dream of you
Cause it's taking my life away
Deep down it hides
Making life a grind
I dreamed of this so long
This used to feel so strong
Now I wait
Wish these thoughts would go away
I hope I dream of you
Cause it's taking my life away
No I don't hate
But these thoughts won't go away
I hope I dream of you
Cause it's taking my life away
Deep down it hides
Now I wait
Wish these thoughts would go away
I hope I dream of you
Cause it's taking my life away
No I don't hate
But these thoughts won't go away
I hope I dream of you
Cause it's taking my life away
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 266
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