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Death Cab For Cutie - Meet me on the equinox

meet me on the equinox
meet me halfway
when the sun is perched on its highest peak
in the middle of the day
let me give my love to you
let me take your hand
and as we walk in the dimming light
oh darling understand that everything ends

meet me on your best behavior
or meet me at your worst
for there will be no stone unturned
or bubble left to burst
let me lay beside you darling
let me be your man
and let our bodies intertwine
but always understand that everything ends

a window
an open tomb
the sun crawls across your bedroom
a halo
a waning moon
your last breath moving through you as everything ends

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 316

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