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Debbie Gibson - Think With Your Heart

Quiet now

While i hold you

Turn it off

The mind that is stopping you

Love is here

So why deny what you feel


Think with your heart

Speak with your soul

Touch me and feel

The world becomes whole

Break down the walls

Keeping you far

Be as in love

As you think you are

We live one time forever

It can be glorious heaven on earth

So quiet now while i kiss you

You decide what you feel heaven is worth



Think with your heart

Speak with your soul

Touch me and feel

The world becomes whole

Break down the walls

Keeping you far

You may be as in love

As you think you are

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 314

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