Faculty.ro - acces liber la cunoastere - carti, cursuri, seminarii & student fun
Calvin Harris - I'm not alone

Can you stay up for the weekend
and blame god for looking too old
can find all that you stand for
has been replaced with mountains of gold
you cannot dream yourself to notice
to feel pain and swallow fear
but can you stay up for the weekend
for next year

God i can't do this any more
though ill be laid down on the floor
as many feet walk through the door

I'm not alone

{repeatedly punch the air bit}

if i see a light flashing
could this mean that I'm coming home
if i see a man waving
does this mean that I'm not alone

if i see a light flashing
could this mean that I'm coming home
if i see a man waving
does this mean that I'm not alone

{repeatedly punch the air bit} again

if i see a light flashing
could this mean that I'm coming home
if i see a man waving
does this mean that I'm not alone

if i see a light flashing
could this mean that I'm coming home
if i see a man waving
does thïs mean that I'm not alone

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 308

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