Oye let's go
My body's gonna
Wanna get next to
Me cause they
know i take what's
Mine i won't let it go
Doesn't matter
How you approach
The scene just go
You 're everythingh
And more for yuo
To hit the door
I dare you to
Challenge me beg
You for mercy
Please just watch
I'll give you
Something to follow
Cause i've been
Waiting so patiently
To let the fire come
Out of ke what
You 're up against
i'm just letting you know
I keep giving you
Fire i'm gonna heat
It up under my control
Here's the night that
You've been
waiting on
Fire i'm a light
It up that'll
Make it hot
the stage IS mine
let's set it off
Where it's goin'no
One can take
This crown it's okay
They can cool me
Off when i hit the stage
Burnin' hot spotlight
just spelt my name
I feel famous
The crowd cheers
I dare you to
Challenge me beg
You for mercy
Please just watch
I'll give you
Something to follow
Cause i've been
Waiting so patiently
To let the fire come
Out of ke what
You 're up against
i'm just letting you know
I keep giving you
Fire i'm gonna heat
It up under my control
Here's the night that
You've been
waiting on
Fire i'm a light
It up that'll
Make it hot
the stage IS mine
I keep giving you
Fire i'm gonna heat
It up under my control
Here's the night that
You've been
waiting on
Fire i'm a light
It up that'll
Make it hot
the stage IS mine
let's set it off
I keep giving you
Fire i'm gonna heat
It up under my control
Here's the night that
You've been
waiting on
Fire i'm a light
It up that'll
Make it hot
the stage IS mine
I keep giving you
Fire i'm gonna heat
It up under my control
Here's the night that
You've been
waiting on
Fire i'm a light
It up that'll
Make it hot
the stage IS mine
ït off FIRE
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 318
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