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Camille Jones Vs Fedde Le Grand - The Creeps

Make me take the ride
Free drinks on tonight
Take some have a feast
Break me 'cause it keeps coming...

Down on either side
Bleeding in my mind
Waiting for the creeps
To kill my last believes

So come on down to the creeps
Come on down to the creeps
Come on

Holding back the key
Fading sanity
Blowing up my head
Reaching for my always loving...

Partner in crime
Soaking up my mind
Filling up my glass
I'm gone, at last

Come on down to the creeps
Come on down to the creeps
Come on

Walking to the claim
The creeps calling my name
They get me every-time
I'm bleeding and I'm getting

We go split before my eyes
Increase, double size
Lease out my brain
Am I ïnsane

Come on down to the creeps
Come on down to the creeps
Come on

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 306

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