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C C Catch - Midnight gambler

It was raining out that nightcaf?
When I watched my dreams all fade away
Oh don't tell me how the story ends
'Cause I'm sitting here crying in my hands
You're a million miles away
And you're playing every day
So come on, so come on, so come on

He's a midnight gambler
On a highway of fools
Why you're breaking my heart boy ?
Why you're breaking the rules ?
He's a midnight gambler
On a highway of fools
Diamonds are forever
But your heart is too cruel

Oh, you're breaking down my paradise
At the fire, baby, I feel lies
And I'm telling - there's no end
And I'm sitting here crying in my hands
You're a million miles away
Come on baby, make my day
So come on, so come on, so come on

Come on, come on
From the highway of fools
Come on, come on
We are breaking the rules
Come on, come on
Let's stay together

He's a midnight gambler
On a highway of fools
Why you're breaking my heart boy ?
Why you're breaking the rules ?
He's a midnight gamb...

But your heart ïs too cruel

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 332

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