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C C Catch - One night's not enough

Every little thing's been said about it
Make you know you light up my day
Everybody hates to live without it
And I hope you don't go away
A pillow soft with tears
I can forget my fears

One night's not enough, can't you see
You get all my love away from me
One night's not enough, can't you see
Breakin' up breaks my heart

One night's not enough, can't see you
Babe, if you will ever set me free
Then our love will break my heart
Forever and ever

The way you love is very special to me
Maybe my dreams will come true
And I know if you should ever leave me
I will never feel so brand new
Maybe behind your eyes
There will be bad surprise

Love lost its meaning
It will never stop bleeding

When my heart is breaking
You find my tears are waking
'cause I feel so lonely
You are my only

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 337

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