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C C Catch - Stay

The extreme is played with hearts
ABC of love to me
Troubles storm at paradise maybe
Love will hurt, love for you
If it's too hot too stop maybe
Stay by me tonight
Keep the love alive

Stay and listen to your heart
I'm hungry for your love
You always play a game tonight
Two wrongs never make it right
Oh baby, stay
I wanna be your heart
Let's try a brand new start
'cause I don't want to be alone
I dry the tears I never show

Wasted days and wasted nights
Save my love for you
Always hurt the one you love
It's true
Helpless fire of desire
Are the ways of love to me
Stay by me tonight
Only love survïve

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 343

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