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Montuga - Bang bang

Bang bang bang
My heart is singin' baby almoust every day
Bang bang bang
I sing bang bang bang

What is love?!
What is love without the faith?!
What is loooove?!

And every day in the morning
When I wake up and I look at you
You're so beautiful...
Oh baby you're so beautiful...

Bang bang bang
My heart is singin' baby almoust every day
Bang bang bang
I sing bang bang bang

Have you ever met your love?!
Have you ever said 'I love you'?1
Have you ever reach so high
Just believe it will come to you...

You need to feel love
You need to feel good
You need to feel high

And I think you should
And hope that the Lord
Will send you the love you wish baby...

Bang bang bang
My heart is singin' baby almoust every day
Bang bang bang
I sing bang bang bang

You know my heart is beating like that...

Bang bang bang
My heart is singin' baby almoust every day
Bang bang bang
I sïng bang bang bang

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 418

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