When the tower tumbled
We began anew
Had no time for warning
Only déjŕ vu
It comes flashing back
Then just fades to black
All gone
All the land rejoices
Now the coast is clear
No more silent voices to whisper in your ear
I am in my element with a panoramic view
Theres no inspiration like
A military coup
Children blowing kisses
Strangers to the truth
Carrying the wishes of a bygone youth
Bye bye cabaret
Sci-fi agony
All gone
All the land rejoices
Now the coast is clear
No more silent voices to whisper in your ear
I am in my element with a panoramic view
Theres no compensation like
A military coup
A mellow melody
Rollïng endlessly
How long
How long
How long
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 402
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