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Wonder If You Know - Wonder If You Know

I watched it for the moment
There are two eyes like yours
So black, so only that
If I look at it again and don't move
Also my becoming beautiful
And we understand how you laugh that
Pretend that you don't understand, you don't want to trouble
But I swear that the mouth
If you watch it turns red
I'd Die
But I wonder if you know?
But I wonder if you know?
Maybe you don't know
No, you don't know
Then we speak of distances, the sky,
And where it goes to sleep the moon when the sun comes out
And how was the earth before there was love
And under which stella, among a thousand years, there will be a star if you can embrace?
And then at night with his regular silence
The silence which sometimes seems to death
But it gives me the courage to speak
And say quietly,
Tell you finally
I love you
And loving you smettero not ever
So now you know it, so now you know

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 6, 2012

Vizualizari: 427

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