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Xandria - Answer

We fought the truth
As long as we lived our love
Fearing all the solutions we found
We drowned ourselves
In the lake of tears that we cried
'Til we found out that love is its ground

Call me a fool, but I'm not
Our love changed, and love changed me

I kept waiting for your answer
Then I found out the answer was you
No more riddles of my longings
Now I know that the answer is you

I want to thank you, my creator
I still wouldn't live my life without you

Call me a fool, but I'm not
Our love changed, and love changed me

I kept waiting for your answer
Then I found out the answer was you
No more riddles of my longings
Now I know that the answer is you

Call me a fool, but I'm not
Our love changed me
and love changed us both

I kept waiting for your answer
Then I found out the answer was you
No more riddles of my longings
Now I know that the answer is you

No more waiting for your answer
No more holding, but still forever you're (the answer was you)
No more crying, no more fighting
No more hiding, but still forever you're

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 6, 2012

Vizualizari: 417

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