I see you baby, making love with me
The way you look into my eyes
This makes me feel very relaxed
Yes is true, between my eyes of view
Girl, you gettin' nuts in la la falling in luv
You're smiling, I see you, so let me dance with you...
Follow me into my world
Let your worries fade with every
step you take
Baby whatcha' waiting for
Let the tango take control
Feel the music inside your soul (Oh)
My hand is out, just grab a hold
Watch time fade away
My arms will keep .....
Totul a inceput intr-o zii ploioasa de August, intr-o maternitate murdara din Campina, unde zilnic se
nasc peste 20 de copii. Pe 25 August, o femeie cu parul lung, satena, cu ochii mari si migdalati,
plangea de durere in salon. Intrase in travaliu, urma sa nasca. A 2-a zii cand .....
I got this feeling, and I just can't turn it loose
That somebody's been getting next to you
I don't want to walk around knowin' I was your fool
'Cuz being the man that I am
I just can't lose my cool
My friends keep .....
Joined at the soul with a pair of headphones
We need nobody to let ourselves go
Always on my side as We rock at stage show
In an ocean of music We move with the flow
A hand in my hand i don't wanna let go
A partner in life on this mean old .....
Lumina se topeste in dusumele
Intre acei pereti spoiti cu ger
Si te aflam de-a dreapta vietii mele
Un fir de iarba calator spre cer
Plutea prin casa o mireasma dulce
De datina de iarna si de brad
Iar stelele uitau sa se mai culce
Pe malul Izei .....
Când eram fecior la tata, nu era o zi ca alta
Frunza de bagrin, multe trec si vin
Azi eram în vârfu' suri, mâine-n mijlocu padurii
Frunza de bagrin, multe trec si vin
Si de-o fi sa mor o data, las cu juramânt...mai
Sa ma-ngroape-n .....
You got the sun
You got the moon
And stars
You get to
Light up my life
A different spark
And the sky
Comes a live
Like a neon sign
It's the sun
And the moon
And the stars
It's shine
Quero hacerte un regale
Algo dulce
Algo raro...eee
No un regalo comun
De los que perdiste o nunca abriste
Que olvidaste en un tren o no aceptaste
De los que abres y lloras
Que estas feliz y no finges
Y en este dia de septembre
Te .....
Now the time has come
The music's between us
Though the night seems young
Is at an end
Only change will bring
You out of the darkness
In this moment everything is born again
Reach up for the sunrise
Put your hands into the .....