Todo cambio cuando te vi
jemas imagine q habria
un corazon fuera de mi
sintiendo lo q yo sentia
fue tu voz tus labios talvez
tu forma desr d niña y mujer
tan solo c q hoy te kiero
te kiero mas d lo k kiero a la vida
Nunca antes yo había sentido esto
Hasta que te conocí
Pienso en ti como siempre
Y no puedo ni dormir
Eres alguien tan especial
Contigo todo brilla aún más
Has logrado regresar el Sol a su lugar
Caminemos juntos tú y yo
Porque esto .....
Verse 1
Yours was the perfect love, I swear it was.
Digga Until I had your love, my world was cold.
I did what most men do and I messed it up.
Broken But when I got you back, my world was whole.
(The Player thing I let it go, thought our life was set in .....
Even when the thunder and storm begins
I'll be standing strong like a tree in the wind
Nothing is gonna move this mountain or change my direction
I'm falling off the sky and I'm all alone
The courage that's inside is gonna break my fall
Illness and plagues, torture and blight
Is what she brings
Mocking holy standards, deceiving feeble fools
Is what she loves
Granted with powers, gifted with magic
Watching the world through raven eyes
Damned woman mischievous whore
Fata mamei , odoras,
Ai si tu un copilas.
Parca eri erai micuta,
Astazi esti si tu maicuta.
Sa va creasca pruncul mare,
Sa-l cresteti ca pe o floare
Cu dragoste si cu blîndete,
Sprijin bun la batrînete
a lovestruck romeo sings a streetsuss serenade
laying everybody low with a lovesong that he made
finds a convenient streetlight steps out of the shade
says something like you and me babe how about it?
juliet says hey it's romeo you nearly gimme a heart .....
Cu viata mea te rog acum
De-ai putea sa nu glumesti
Zambetul crud si ascuns
Sa il feresti, sa-l domolesti.
Am dovedit ca tot ce-am vrut
A iesit cum mi-am dorit
Si-al vietii drum mi-e deschis
La nesfarsit, drum implinit
Cum crezi c-as putea
Sa te uit vreodata
Esti in lumea mea
Primavara toata
Nu, nu as putea
Sa te uit vreodata
Doar in privirea ta
Eu ma simta acasa
Aproape plutesc atunci cand zambesti
1000 de vise se-mplinesc
Imi spui ca totul e bine
Ca totu'i firesc
Incet ma apropii de tine
Nu stiu cum ai vrea sa'ti vorbesc
Astept in camera goala
Un semn de la tine acum
Nu'i nimeni pe strada
Incerc sa'mi raspund
Privesc in departare