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Dimmu Borgir - A succubus in rapture

Illness and plagues, torture and blight
Is what she brings
Mocking holy standards, deceiving feeble fools
Is what she loves
Granted with powers, gifted with magic
Watching the world through raven eyes

Damned woman mischievous whore
Heretic princess
Devil's own

Her seductive elegance
Excites your weak flesh
Her diabolical beauty
Enchants your bewildered mind

You damn woman
You mischievous whore
You heretic princess
You are Devil's own

(performing an ecstatic dance: )
A serenade made out of black magic
She has learned to set souls afire
And makes sure that you never
Will leave it's trance
Her diabolical beauty
Enchants your bewildered mïnd

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 263

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