Simt ca iau foc
Cand te uiti la mine parca pierd controlul
Si nu mai pot...
Imi place felul cum te uiti la mine
Si cred ca ti-ar place impreuna sa fim
Mi-ar place sa-mi dai numele tau, numarul...
Si sa-mi spui unde ne-ntalnim
orice greseala o plateste lacrima
as vrea sa pot uita
cata incredere am putut avea
cat de mult raneste dragostea
imi dai visele
imi dai dragostea
imi iei mintile
doar tu te joci cu inima
te iubesc amore ce .....
Atitudine tre sa iau atitudine,
Tre sa ajung la altitudine si sa ma pis pe tine,
Ca am aptitudine spre crime te tine bine cretine,
Ca cine vine si spune ca va fi mai bine,
Sa ii fie rusine ca n'am stime pt nime ca nime n'are stime pt mine,
Si .....
When I`m out on the streets of strolling
I can look on the fields of dawn
I can look from the mountainside
And see your fire is still burning with me
And I know, and I know
So I know, so I know
I know a place where we can go
Green grass .....
Gimme a reason
Why I'm feeling so blue
Everytime I close my eyes, all I see is you
Gimme a reason
Why I can't feel my heart
Everytime you leave my side, I just fall apart
And when you're fast asleep, I wonder where you go
Ref(1x) Strofa1:
As vrea sa ma nasc inca o data
Sa am o familie o mama si un tata
Crezi ca n-as vrea sa am o familie
Sa dau timpul inapoi sa-am o copilarie
Cand lipsesc cu noptile cuiiva sa ii pese
Sa se zbata pentru mine sa nu .....
Dragostea e pacatoasa cand n-ai casa, cand n-ai masa
Mai baditza, bade-al meu, stiu ca-ti este greu
Dragostea e pacatoasa, mama soacra e nervoasa
Mai baditza, bade-al meu, stiu ca-ti este greu.
Zau, nu stiu ce sa mai fac
Nu .....
Open up the book you beat me with again.
Read it off one sentence at a time.
I'm tired of all the lines,
Convictions and your lies.
What right do you have to point at me?
Well, I'm sitting alone thinking about it all over coffee.
And .....
She´s softly breathing next to me
A shining angel sent to me
From where she came it´s hard to say
Tiny star she guides my way
When we were lovers
We both discovered
Stay, you can leave tomorrow
Stay wait until tomorrow
Please .....
It never crossed my mind at all
That's what I tell myself
What we had is come and gone
You better offer someone else
It is for the best
I know it is
But I see you
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside
And I turn .....