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Darius and Finlay - Destination(feat Nicco)

When I`m out on the streets of strolling
I can look on the fields of dawn
I can look from the mountainside
And see your fire is still burning with me

And I know, and I know
So I know, so I know
I know a place where we can go
Green grass is growing

Baby I don`t see you around
You can`t let go
But you know that my destination
Is on this road going down
`Cause I got to be with you now


Baby I don`t see you around
You can`t let go
But you know that my destination
Is on this road going down
`Cause I got to be with you now … x2

And on this road I am walking
And I`m gonna find you
And I can feel that you`re near
Sense of a getting me
And when I reach my destination
I know soon you`ll be right here with me

Baby I don`t see you around
You can`t let go
But you know that my destination
Is on this road going down
`Cause I got to be with you now

Baby I don`t see you around …

Baby I don`t see you around
You can`t let go
But you know that my destination
Is on this road going down
`Cause I got to be wïth you now … x2

Categoria: Versuri melodii

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Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 312

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