uh uh uh uh uh
uh ah uh uh uh
You can tell
When you are feeling love
And I can tell
That there is something in your eye
Its a tear, its a tear
Falling down
Its a tear, its a tear
Drying out
When .....
Nobody's buisness if i won't talk
make love scenes
but I'm able to love
able to live
able to love
nobody's buisness if i won't talk
make love scenes
but i'm able to love
able to .....
Of, foaie verde iasomie
Bate vantul si adie.
Bate vantul si adie
Dorul mandrii ma mangaie, mai, mai.
Foaie verde maracine
Cand e mandra langa mine
Ma simt ca sunt om pe lume, mai, mai
Of, daca mandra mi-a plecat, mai
Si pe mine m-a lasat, .....
E ceas tarziu si stelele plang iara,
Lucesc stingher de parka dau sa moara.
Lumina lor e rece...Lucesc , apoi dispar...
Timpul..l-a infrant..
Cand ultima-i bataie se stinge-ncet in noapte,
Singur ramane Visul stapan pe-acest .....
Strofa I:
Carul tau, alb, se anina de cer
Soare, deschide-mi fereastra,
Umbrele prelungi tu poti sa le alungi
Sa vad cum zboara maiastra!
Copilul meu, sa râzi si sa cânti,
Lumea s-a luminat,
Îti sunt dator cu-o raza si-un zbor,
Aripi .....
The painted faces on the street
caricatures of long ago
oh they were young and oh so sweet
down beyond the boulevard
knock on doors and empty halls
and still sometimes remember
the masquerade's forever
when you see the price they .....
Eu sunt "o mica stea",
Mi-a spus mamica mea.
Sa-i luminez as vrea
Mereu inima sa.
Alaturi esti mereu
La capataiul meu,
Cand dulce imi zambesti
Si-mi spui mereu povesti.
Te rog acum ceva:
In caz ca voi fi .....
Slavã tie, stea curatã, voie bunã pe Pãmânt,
Astãzi te simtim aproape, sol din Rai, cu soare sfânt.
Vraja ta aduce iarãsi, pe popor lângã popor,
Toti pe lume, frati noi suntem, unde vii usoare-n zbor.
Cine a avut .....
Do you wanna dance, and hold my hand?
Tell me you're my lover man.
Oh baby, do you wanna dance?
We could dance under the moonlight,
hug and kiss all through the night.
Oh baby, tell me, do you wanna dance with me baby?
Do you, do .....
You light up another cigarette
And I pour the wine
Its four oclock in the morning
And its starting to get light
Now Im right where I want to be
Losing track of time
But I wish that it was still last night
You look like youre in another .....