( Stii ... uneori imi simt sufletul cum plange pe negativ, alteori m-aud plangand dejamagita de ceea ce am devenit, dar niciodata nu am crezut, nu am stiut ca voi plange pentru ce a fost )
- Strofa 1 -
Un singur sunet imi mai sparge plictiseala
In rest, peste tot .....
Hai iubita mea..arata`mi ce stii acum..
Nu iubitul meu..nu pot ca nu am cum...
Hai iubita mea..arata`mi miscari line..
Nu iubitul meu..decat in privat pentru tine..
Hai iubita mea..danseaza cum stii doar tu..
Nu iubitul meu..nu vreau sa ma vada altu`...
I: Asculta`ma putin iubitu`..nu vreau s` m` repet..
dar o fac spre infinit..iti explic incet..incet..
pas cu pas..toata relatia..d` la primele cuvinte
primele atingeri ce le regasesc mereu in minte
imi aduc aminte kte vorbe dulci mi`ai zis
promisiuni .....
Tu nu esti multumit cum ai ajuns in viata ta
te gandesti ca esti vinovat, si cauti solutia ta
Dar iti lasi singur impresia ca nu mai are rost
Dar totusi te zbati si ti spui ca vei reusi cu orice cost
Incerci sa privesti in fata plin de speranta
Ignori tot din .....
In viata mea n`am crezut ca o sa iubesc..
O singura fata..numai la ea sa ma gandesc..
Viata se intoarce..precum si dragostea..
Se face ura si apare rautatea..
Dragostea e prima mansa..prima prioritate..
Prima discutie aflata in miez de noapte..
Suntem .....
Just before you break my heart,
I feel that there is something I must say
before you go your way
Go on, have your fun and see if you can break
their hearts like me, big man, you'll never understand
That a girl needs to love and be loved as I
I want to give you love but it takes some guts to have and hold with empathy
To coil around you tenderly feels like windows open wide, feels cold, fresh breeze
So, then why do tears roll down my cheeks, flow and flood the temple of
my body's flesh and bones?
My .....
tuve un sueńo ayer que me dejo con el alma rota
algo en ti cambio que no lo ves solo escúchame esta vez
porque por ti puedo existir porque por ti puedo morir , ahora
me tiembla el corazón solo de ver que ya no me abrazas mas
que de tu vida me aleje sin .....
When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we'll see
No I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
And darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh now now stand by .....
When the night has come, and the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we will see
No, I won't be afraid, oh, I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
So darlin', darlin' stand by me
Oh stand by me
Oh stand, .....