Submitted by Samo Golob
Es war ein strahlend blauer Himmel,
wir lagen an der Seine,
ich dachte es hält für immer,
doch dann kam das Aufwiedersehen,
mit nem roten Lippenstift,
an den Spiegel rangeschmiert,
ich war am ende, man,
Wisst ihr was das ist
Was man nicht vergisst
Alles was ich habe
Erinnerung an die Tage
Die ich im Herzen
trageMomente im leben
Die mir so viel geben
Muss immer daran denken
Versuch mich abzulenken
Will kein Mitleid
Ist .....
Could it be we're the perfect pair?
Have it all if we'd only dare
I have dreamed of a night like this
Maybe you will end my loneliness
Meeting you was a dangerous thing
Can't control what is happening
Stood my ground, didn't .....
My mouth is dry, my legs are weak
I'm thinking this cause I can't speak
I'm looking at you, you're looking at me
You must think that I'm just crazy
If you only knew what you're putting me through
It feels like a heart .....
Uno squillo dopo l'altro
la voglia di averti accanto
il desiderio irrefrenabile di stringerti al mio fianco
ma quello che sarà, cosa si farà
forse non adesso ma il tempo te lo permetterà
e chissà, se qualcosa cambierà fra di noi
è qualcosa di .....
Can You Say Omarion?
[Omari Talkin:]
Its Something I Wanna Do To You
I Been Watchin You All Night Long
I Been Watchin You All Night Long
Beg For It, Dont Panic
When You See It, You Better Hold On
You Said You Need It, .....
Da? Trage?
Flegme-n gat
P**a mea voiam sa zic ceva da` nu mai stiu
Era tare sa zic ceva nu?
Cand iau microfonul, sa te dai ar fi frumos
Hai! date la o parte! Fii dragutz, date-n sloboz!
Stai! Te .....
Au scapat de sub zavoare lenea, rautatea si trufia
Or sa mearga in lume s-or sa cuprinda minti nestiutoare
Prea nevinovate si prea slabe, inca sa le stea impotriva
Avem puterea de a trece peste tot raul ce se petrece
Nimeni nu ne .....
Egyszer a nap
Úgy elfáradt,
Elaludt mély,
Zöld tó ölén,
Az embereknek
Fájt a sötét,
Õ megsajnált,
Eljött közénk.
Igen, jött egy gyöngyhajú lány,
Álmodtam, vagy igaz talán,
Így lett a föld, az ég
Zöld .....
Sint chiar aici in fata ta
Nu ma lasa , hai nu te lasa
Stii absolut totul despre mine
Asa cum stiu si eu totul despre tine
Despre tine...
Eu sint copilul rebel din tine
Sint nebunul care stie ce-i bine
Pentru tine, pentru mine
Dar mai .....