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Olivia Newton John & John Travolta - Take a chance

Could it be we're the perfect pair?
Have it all if we'd only dare
I have dreamed of a night like this
Maybe you will end my loneliness

Meeting you was a dangerous thing
Can't control what is happening
Stood my ground, didn't run away
Trying hard to hide that I'm so afraid

Take a chance, take a chance
Shall I take another chance on love?
Take a chance, take a chance
Shall I take another chance on love?
When it feels so right
That I'm safe and warm inside
Take a chance and fall tonight

Guess my heart's on the borderline
Couldn't stand it not to work this time
It's hard to fight when it feels so good
If there's something, don't you think that we should

Take a chance, take a chance
Shall I take another chance on love?
Take a chance, take a chance
Shall I take another chance on love?
When it feels so right
That I'm safe and warm inside
Take a chance and fall tonight

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 353

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