Took my time and tried so hard, babe
And I know you were so scared
But if you would just belive me
You would see how much I care.
Always and all the time
You were there and I was gone
But if you would try
Esti frumoasa, esti a mea
Si asa vei fi mereu,
Chiar din prima zi am fost
Cu sufletul si eu
Pentru tine as face orice
Ti-as da viata mea de vrei
Cand privesc in ochii tai
Ma regasesc in ei
Cat de frumoasa esti asta seara
Se ridic privirile .La un colier de stele. Asemenea lucru mistic in lume e unic .Straluceste ca ochiul inlacrimat.Este chipul unui diamant. Sa il pun ei, dragosti mele.Sa fie frumoasa ca stelele. Stralucitare precum colierele.Colier de stele , Din tine izvoraste, Frumusetea inlacrimata Alumi e taina
In soba arde mama
De lustra tata-i spanzurat,
Iar eu ma tai cu lama;
In frigider, in pungi de-un chil,
Se relaxa bunicul,
Iar din bunica a mai ramas
Un deget si buricul.
Si fratii mei intinsi pe jos,
Sunt morti de-o saptamana,
Vânt, dumbravi si optsprezece ani
Strada cu salcâmi si cu castani,
Primavara-n balta renascuta,
Zile ce-amintirea le saruta
Pe nisipul plajilor de aur
Soarele ne-a-ntins cununi de laur,
Fata mea de Dunare si soapte,
Fata mea cu .....
In any other world
You could tell the difference
And let it all unfurl
Into broken remenance
Smile like you mean it
And let youreself let go
Cos its all in the hands
Of a bitter bitter of man
Say goodbye to the .....
Ha ha ha ha
What's go-in' on?
Where's your mum-my? Where's she gone?
Who's that dum-my? I don't know.
Are you dead mum-my? Don't think so.
Kin ke-se key ke-se
oh yee-hey oh yee-hey
Kin ke-se key ke-se
oh .....
(music and lyrics by Mike Oldfield sung by Bonnie Tyler)
Islands, from the first time we saw,
We could wait for this moment, like rocks on the shore.
We can never be closer, somehow,
For the moment that lasts, is this moment now.
When the .....
Looking back over my shoulder
I can see that look in your eye
I never dreamed it could be over
I never wanted to say goodbye
Looking back over my shoulder
With an aching deep in my heart
I wish that we were starting over
Oh instead of .....
Cine-a pus carciuma-n drum,
Ala n-a fost om nebun
Cine-a pus carciuma-n drum,
Ala n-a fost om nebun.
Ala a fost om cu minte,
Cine intra-n ea sa cante
Si necazul sa si-l uite
Mai dorulet, mai
Ala a fost om cu dor greu