Do you remember the love that we shared
You make me strong, you make me whole
Baby come back, baby I love
Do you remember the beautiful days
I see your smile, I see your eyes,
I need your voice, you sound like an angel
And maybe I tried so hardly to forget
But the days beside you I regret
It`s so cold, now it`s so sad
I`m still here, crying and waiting
Do you remember the love that we shared
You make me strong, you make me whole
Baby come back, baby I love
Do you remember the beautiful days
I see your smile, I see your eyes,
I need your voice, you sound like an angel
And maybe I tried so hardly to forget
But the days beside you I regret
It`s so cold, now it`s so sad
I`m still here, crying and waitïng
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 284
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