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Tori Amos - 1000 oceans

these tears i've cried
i've cried 1000 oceans
and if it seems i'm. floating.
in the darkness
well, i can't believe that i would kep.
keep you from flying
and i would cry 1000 more if that's
what it takes to sail you home
sail you home sail you home

i'm aware what the rules are
but you know that i will run
you know that i will follow you
over silbury hill through the solar field
you know that i wil follow you

and if i find you. will you. still remember
playing at trains
or does this little blue ball
just fade away.
over silbury hill through the solar field
you know that i will follow you.
i'm aware what the rules are
but you know that i will run
you know that i will follow you

these tears i've cried
i've cried 1000 oceans
and if i'm. floating.
in the darkness
well, i can't believe that i would kep.
keep you from flying
and i will cry 1000 more if that's
what it takes to sail you home
sail you home saïl you home

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 277

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