With your eyes like shadows
No one will ever know
If you lost the battle with your heart
If your smiling or if you r tearing apart
In your arms like fire
No one will ever know
How it feels to be lost
To be touched by an angel
I can hear you crying, I can see you fall
I can hear you calling in this silent storm
I am trapped in this moment; I am trapped in the past
I can t dare to escape when my heart is running so fast
I am your secret shadow, I am your secret light
I cannot tell you my story but I am welling to lie
No one must know what we share in your dreams
I'm your secret angel and I am falling in tears
Whit your wings like fire,
No one will ever know
How it burns you inside
With tears of desire
In your arms like haven
No one will ever know
How it feels to be lost
To be touched by an angel
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 278
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