You know what its like
We're so different yet we're so alike
We're like apples and oranges
Ooooh! I'm not your leaf
You can't rake me up
I don't believe
I should live in the wilderness
And I miss you now
And I miss you now
We live in a rag bag world
And I miss you now
I'm not afraid any more
Blowing out of control
Seasons change you know
They come and go
Like apples and oranges
Oooh, talking to my demons
My angels and devils
Oooh! And I miss you now
And I miss you now
We live in a rag bag world
And I miss you now
I'm not afraid any more
I'm not afraid any more
Oooh! the morning light shows trouble like a rock in the road
Oooh, this ride is taking its toll
Oooh! And I miss you now
And I miss you now
We live in a rag bag world
And I miss you now
I'm not afraid any more
I'm not afraid any more
Oooh! the morning light shows trouble like a rock in the road
Oooh, this ride is taking its toll
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 325
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