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The Corrs - Breathless

Go on go on
Leave me breathless
Come on [echo...]

Hey... yeah...

The daylight's fading slowly
The time with you is standing still
I'm waiting for you only
The slightest touch and I feel weak
I cannot lie, from you I cannot hide
And I'm losing the will to try
Can't hide it (can't hide it), can't fight it (can't fight it)

So go on, go on, come on, leave me breathless
Tempt me, tease me, until I can't deny
This loving feeling (loving feeling)
Make me long for your kiss
Go on (go on), go on (go on)
Come on

And if there's no tomorrow
And all we have is here and now
I'm happy just to have you
You're all the love I need somehow
It's like a dream
Although I'm not asleep
And I never want to wake up
Don't lose it (don't lose it), don't leave it (don't leave it)

So go on, go on, come on, leave me breathless
Tempt me, tease me, until I can't deny
This loving feeling (loving feeling)
Make me long for your kiss
Go on (go on), go on (go on)
Come on [echo...]

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 356

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