Wake up
When will things be good enough for you
To see all that we can be
I'm sick of playing games
And acting like we never care
Like we're never there
We pay attention for only seconds
Look at you
Look at me
There's never any us
Can't you see all we can become
We can shine like the sun
If we believe it
Two stars are brighter than one
come on
Come on
Come on
Look at you
Come on
Come on
Come on
Look at me
Listen the way we feel is not just about you and me
It's a harmony
Just give in
Cause together we'll be brighter than just any star
A work of art
We'll make the sky great
Uniting you and I
Look at you
Look at me
There's never any us
Can't you see all we can become
We can shine like the sun
If we believe it
Two stars are brighter than one
come on
Come on
Come on
Look at you
Come on
Come on
Come on
Is it too much to ask
That you put us first
I feel like we're last in our universe
And it's not where we ought to be
Look at you
Look at me
There's never any us
Can't you see all we can become
We can shine like the sun
If we believe it
Two stars are brighter than one
Look at you
Look at me
There's never any us
Can't you see all we can become
We can shine like the sun
If we believe it
Two stars are brïghter than one
come on
Come on
Come on
Look at you
Come on
Come on
Come on
Look at me
Come on
Come on
Come on
Look at you
Come on
Come on
Come on
Look at me
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 305
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