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Texas - And i dream

When I'm lost
You take my hand and make me burn
All of the time
Turn my life around
I feel lost, take my life and make me shine
You feel life, life won't let you down

With the love we take
Have I ever let you down?
Travel round and see the world
Is there something I should find?

And I dream
Nothing I can find
And I dream
Nothing I can find

So to life
Let me whisper in your ear
Say the words
I'm what you long to hear
And a place we can go to is in my mind
I love life, there's no way you can be mine

With the love we take
Have I ever let you down?
Travel round and see the world
Is there something I should find?

And I dream
Nothing I can find
And I dream
Nothing I can find

You buy a diamond for my throne
Then comes a penthouse, on a hill
but my need to dream will still go on and on

All of the time
All of the time
All of the time

And I dream
Nothing I can find
And I dream
Nothing I can find

You buy a diamond for my throne
Then comes a penthouse, on a hill
but my need to dream will still go on and on

You buy a diamond for my throne
Then comes a penthouse, on a hill
but my need to dream will still go on and on

You buy a diamond for my throne
The comes a penthouse, on a hill
but my need to dream will stïll go on and on

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 309

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