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Simply Red - A new flame

I was bowled out
I was sold down the river
And her warm heart
Would turn me forever

She's turned me round
A new flame has come
And nothing she can do
Can do me wrong

I am stern now
Petty words
Don't believe me
But her warm smile
Is never gonna leave me

She's turned me round
A new flame has come
And nothing she can do
Can do me wrong

Wrong oh no
Wrong oh no

She's made of real glass
She got real real emotion
But my heart laughs
I have that same
Sweet devotion

She's turned me round
A new flame has come
And nothing she can do
Can do me wrong

Wrong oh no
Wrong oh no
Nothïng she can do
Can ever do me wrong

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 260

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