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Seether - 69 tea

Lonely in this white room, there are pads everywhere
Chafing straitjacket, I won`t die in there
Save me smiling Jesus, get off that cross
Hate me screaming masses
I don`t care if I`m lost
Don`t tell me that you`re all better
I don`t care if you are
Don`t tell me that you`re trendsetters
I don`t care if you are

Lowly with my head bowed, there are rats everywhere
Feed me bread and water
I won`t die in there
Save me smiling Jesus, get off that cross
Hate me screaming masses
I don`t care if I`m lost

Don`t tell me that you`re all better
I don`t care if you are
Don`t tell me that you`re trendsetters
I don`t care if you are

Say you will take my pills
Say you will faking ill

Don`t tell me that you`re all better
I don`t care if you are
Don`t tell me that you`re bed wetters
I don`t care if you are
Say you will take my pills
Say you will faking ill
Say you will (say you will) take my pills (take my pills)
Say you will (say you will) faking ill

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 251

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