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September - All over

Ooaa, aaaa

She never loved you, she was only passing time
She never knew you, you were just a running down??
This is how it goes, you end up one the ground
But you can't slow down, but you can't slow down,
but you can't slow down

I'll be waiting
When there's nothing left to say
And you're beginning to fade away
You'll get september all over again
I'll be waiting
When there's nothing left to say
And you're beginning to fade away
You'll get september all over again
September all over again
September all over again

It better rain today, your river's running dry
You need a sun to fill the black hole in the sky
You never win no matter how you try
But you can't slow down, but you can't slow down,
but you can't slow down

September all over again

She never loved you, she was passing tïme
She never knew you, you were just a run


Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 271

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