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Sean Jay - Ride it

{Let me feel you}

It's been about a month and twenty days
And were going round and round playing silly games
Now your saying, slow it down, not right now
Then you wink at me and walk away..

Now, let it be, let it be, let it be known
Oh no, don't go
Touching and teasing me, telling me no
But this time I need to feel you

{Ride it} were all alone
{Ride it} just loose control
{Ride it, ride it} touch my soul
{Ride it, ride it} let me feel you

{Ride it} turn the lights down low
{Ride it} from head to toe
{Ride it, ride it} touch my soul
{Ride it, ride it} let me feel you

{Let me feel you}

It's been about a month and twenty days
And were going round and round playing silly games
Now your saying, slow it down, not right now
Then you wink at me and walk away

Now, let it be, let it be, let it be known
Oh no, don't go
Touching and teasing me, telling me no
But this time I need to feel you

{Ride it} were all alone
{Ride it} just loose control
{Ride it, ride it} touch my soul
{Ride it, ride it} let me feel you

{Ride it} turn the lights down low
{Ride it} from head to toe
{Ride it, ride it} touch my soul
{Ride it, ride it} let me feel you

It's been about a month and twenty days
And were going round and round playing silly games
Now your saying, slow it down, not right now
Then you wink at me and walk away..

Now, let it be, let it be, let it be known
Oh no, don't go..
Touching and teasing me, telling me no
But this time I need to feel you

{Ride it} were all alone
{Ride it} just loose control
{Ride it, ride it} touch my soul
{Ride it, ride it} let me feel you

{Ride it} turn the lights down low
{Ride it} from head to toe
{Ride it, ride it} touch my soul
{Ride it, ride it} let me feel you

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 296

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