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Roxette - (I Could Never) Give You Up

I've been hiding,

lost in the love of another.

I've followed the moon and a song

and I thought it would take me forever

to find a place where I belong.

I watch a rainbow rise.

I give you all I've got.

I could never give you up,

the way you make my love shine.

I could never give you up,

the way you make true love shine.

I believe you

when you say you don't want to be lonely.

I'll carry your heart like a bridge

when you need all the time you can find

to get the hurt out of your mind.

I'll watch the rain go by and give you all I've got.

Cause I could never give you up...

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 363

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