You know better and I know better, let's do it anyway
Throw our hearts into the wind and let the music play
One more time, for old time's sake where could we go wrong?
We know every word by heart, come on, let's sing our our love song.
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, sha la la, love song we can find the harmony and sing it all night long
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, sha la la, love song sing it sweet and sing it low, till all the music's gone
There's no telling what could happen if it happens right
We may just turn the record over and let it play all night
It's got an old familiar feeling made you sing along
There's no sweeter melody come sing this old love song with me
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, sha la la, love song we can find the harmony and sing it all night long
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, sha la la, love song sing it sweet and sing it low, till all the music's gone
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, sha la la, love song
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, sha la la, love song
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, sha la la, love song.....
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 317
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