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Roisin Murphy - Movie star

I'm a trusting soul, I'm ashamed of living dangerously
I'm a headstrong girl, I'm afraid I won't be told
I feel my destiny is only 'round the corner
Sugar daddy promised me I'll be sitting on top of the world

He saw my naked ambitions
Said I would leave them wanting more
That could be crazy wishing
We could ever have it all
Have it all, have it all

We'll make a movie, we'll break into cinema
You'll be director, and I'll be your movie star
We'll make a movie, the darlings of cinema
You'll be director, and I'll be your movie star

So he's a headstrong guy and perhaps I shouldn't listen
There's a million girls wanna be in my position
If he tells me lies I'll suspend my disbelieving
I leave it all behind, I ain't asking for permission

Feels like a new beginning
And there's so much to explore
It's not so crazy thinking
We could really have it all
Have it all, have it all

We'll make a movie, we'll break into cinema
You'll be director, and I'll be your movie star
We'll make a movie, the darlings of cinema
You'll be director, and I'll be your movie star

Movie star
Movïe star

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 287

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