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Roisin murphy - Dear miami

Behind these walls you can be so self-absorbed
Behind those eyes: no disguise. Disguise, no you can't disguise
Behind this fortress of an address stuck in the passion void
With a little style full & for a while, but you can't turn back time

Dear Miami
You're the first to go
Under melting snow
Each and everyone
Turn your critical eye
On the burning sun
And try not to cry

Strictly, rolling, V.I.P
Strictly, rolling, V.I.P

We got it all, the empire ever falls
We got all control, untold power too
Do what you want to do
We got the moves
But there's nothing left to prove
There's only stardust memories
We can make come true

Dear Miami
You're the first to go
Under melting snow
Each and everyone
Turn your critical eye
On the burning sun
And try not to cry

Dear Miami
You're the first to go
Under melting snow
Each and everyone
Turn your critical eye
On the burning sun
And try not to cry

(merry-go-round again)
A carousel, passionate raid
An escapade
(adventures in)

Strictly, rolling, (dear Miami) V.I.P
Strictly, rolling, (dear Miami) V.I.P
Strictly, rolling, (dear Miami) V.I.P
Strictly, rolling, (dear Miamï) V.I.P

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 290

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