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Richard Clayderman - Love story

Where do i begin
To tell the story of how great love can be
The sweet love story thet is older then the sea
The simple truth abaut the love he brings to me
Where do I start?
With this first hello
He gave at mining og this empty world of mind
He came to me and made me beliving fine
He fells my heart
He fells my soul in very speshel things
With angels songs with while imaginengs
He fells my soul in so much love
And anywhere I go I'm never lonley
With him along who could be lonley
I rich for his hand is always there
How long douse it last
Can love be majered by the houers in a day
I don't know much but this I can say
I shall need him until the stars will burm away
And we begïn.........

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 265

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